AVOID THE HYPE: Acquire New Capabilities with Knowledge
2THEDGE accelerates the business impact from enterprise innovation through a full range of fractional innovation consulting services. Each of the following Insights into enterprise innovation, reflect how organizations in every industry are harnessing emerging technologies to drive business growth.

Reducing Sensor Development Costs
Developing a common sensor platform that supports unique business cases in multiple industries will reduce product complexity, production times and costs. Further implementing a software defined product architecture allows for rapid over-the-air updates that further improves agility and security. The combination of lower costs and enhanced customer trust drives both revenue and differentiation.Key Industry: Manufacturing
Enabling Technology
IOT, Sensors
Business Opportunities
Supply Chain Agility
Developing a common and connected sensor architecture with 80% common components with only 20%unique modular functionality reduced R&D costs and decreased time to market

Eliminating Patient Wait Times
Doctor waiting rooms can have negative health impacts on patients with severe chronic conditions. Eliminating doctor lobby wait times through dynamic scheduling, transportation planning and facility wayfinding solutions allows patient to arrive just-in-time to bypass waiting roomsKey Industry: Healthcare

Enabling Technology
Business Opportunities
Patient Safety
Eliminate Oncology lobby wait times to improve patient engagement and outcomes

Impact of "Digital Arson" on Insurance Coverage
Rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) provides both opportunities and risks. As Smart Homes and Cities continue to evolve, the risk of a cyber incident creating a physical loss increases. By determining the probability of “Digital Arson” on the industrial, commercial and consumer insurance markets, organizations can develop new products and services to protect and serve our hyper-connected world.Key Industry: Insurance
Enabling Technology
Sensors, Robotics, Computer Vision
Business Opportunities
Patient Safety, Smart Home, Smart City
Developed and Identified white space contingencies that created a $30B + opportunity

Ensuring Precision Location for Asset Optimization
Enterprises seek to understand the condition, location and status of every asset to optimize process, lower costs and improve safety. Location of critical assets in GPS-denied or degraded environments results in operational impacts and safety risks. Using advanced sensors, computer vision and geographical information systems (GIS), achieved precision asset location within 0.5 meters without GPS availability.Key Industry: Transportation, Logistics

Enabling Technology
Sensors, Computer Vision, Ubiquitous Communication
Business Opportunities
Improved Asset Monitoring
Improve asset location accuracy to 0.5 meters in disadvantage environment allowing for improved transportation velocity and safety

Building an Integrated Consumer Engagement Testing Center (ITC)
Today’s consumer expects an integrated omni-channel environment. Delivery on these expectations across a retail enterprise requires persistent testing, development and integration. An ITC focused on consumer behaviors and retail shopping preferences creates new opportunities for traditional retailers to deliver compelling shopping experiences while increasing store profitability.Key Industry: Retail
Enabling Technology
Computer Vision, Sensors, Machine Learning, Robotics
Business Opportunities
Managing Persistent Change, Customer Experience
An Innovation Lab provides a mechanism for both business leaders and key suppliers to develop enhanced consumer shopping experiences, improve in-store efficiency, and understand both the business model and process implications

Increasing Supply Chain Velocity by Automating Material Handling
The receipt, storage and movement of materials provides opportunities for automation and process efficiency. The manual process for determining location and movement is highly inefficient. By automating the asset location, organizations can improve material handling and inventory management efficiency.Key Industry: Manufacturing, Transportation

Enabling Technology
Computer Vision
Business Opportunities
Inventory Management Automation
Reduce asset inventory for 12 hours to real-time

Improved Equipment Availability through Enhanced Maintenance Operations
Moving to in-sourced maintenance operation responsible for ensuring high availability of thousands of complex capital assets is a significant challenge. Additionally, 40% of skilled workers could retire in the next few years. To mitigate the risk from employees leaving, organizations must invest significant resources in training and technology to support maintenance, improve current procedures and enhance worker safety.Key Industry: Manufacturing
Enabling Technology
Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Machine LearningBusiness Opportunities
Meaningful Work Through Automation Employee Safety
Reduce maintenance repair time and improve asset availability

Designing Future State Skills and Competency Development
Developing a target business environment enabled with new capabilities requires continuous change and a structured approach for evolving the organization. By developing both new organizational models and identifying new employee competencies during the strategic planning process, organizations can establish employee development models to help people adapt. This critical approach accelerates the transformation process and facilitates change.Key Industry: All

Enabling Technology
Business Opportunities
Business Competency Development
Reducing an organization’s resistance to change directly contributes to digital transformation success. Individuals uncertain on their role in the future will resist the change. Creating a path for employees to prepare for their new role, the organization can become an active contributor to transformation

Developing Predictive Customer and Consumer Shopping Behavior Framework
Rapidly changing customer and consumer shopping preferences creates both new retail opportunities and risks. By evaluating the broad range of socio-economic, industry and technology trends, retail organizations can develop a predictive behavioral framework to guide the development of new products and services.Key Industry: Retail
Enabling Technology
Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing
Business Opportunities
Agile Product Development
Developed 6 – 18 month capital investment strategy and a robust surveillance model to refine the predictive model. Investment portfolio included strategic investments in machine learning, computer vision, and digital agents that improved the user experience and reduced costs

Leveraging the Evolving Consumer Shopping Journey for Business Growth
COVID-19 has accelerated rapidly evolving consumer shopping behaviors to omni-channel experiences in zero-touch environments. These changes cascade store operations, 3rd party suppliers and transport providers. Defining the evolving shopping experience for both customers and consumers is critical for adapting to today’s chaotic timesKey Industry: Retail

Enabling Technology
Sensors, Mobile Payments, Natural Language Processing
Business Opportunities
Customer Activation and Engagement
Identifying emerging trends and the current gap between retail offerings and consumer expectations provided the strategic insight to fund $100m in digital transformation in a single fiscal year

Optimizing Retail Store Operations
Retail workers and managers ensure that store locations display, promote and manage products to drive sales and revenue. Employee retention challenges required managers to consistently focus on understaffed locations causing further issues. Developing a next generation store operations platform improved core operations, in-store performance and employee retentionKey Industry: Retail
Enabling Technology
Computer Vision, Machine Learning
Business Opportunities
Employee Retention (or Customer and Employee Experience)
Higher employee retention improved product availability, customer satisfaction and sales

Accelerating Material Inspection and Acceptance
The condition and status of finished products or feedstock materials must be inspected prior to shipment to avoid penalties for pre-existing damage. Current manual process is labor intensive, timely and incomplete. Automating material inspection through advanced sensors improves inspection, provides enhanced documentation while reducing inspection time.Key Industry: Manufacturing

Enabling Technology
Sensors, Robotics, Computer Vision
Business Opportunities
Inspection Automation
Reduce material inspection and inspection process while improving inspection quality

Eliminating Point of Sale Terminals
Point of Sale Systems incur hardware, software and labor costs while creating customer friction. Reducing the point of sale impact allows customers to have a seamless experience while reducing operational costs. Determine the technical feasibility of eliminating the current Point of Sale (PoS) retail terminals.Key Industry: Retail
Enabling Technology
Sensors, Mobile Devices
Business Opportunities
Customer Experience
Determine the item level and in-store capabilities to implement a NPOS solution